Colombia en boca de todos

Colombia está de moda. Protagonista de una de las series del momento ligada a la figura del controvertido Pablo Escobar, el país aprovecha el tirón para quitarse la mala fama y mostrarse al mundo como lo que realmente es, un destino de paisajes espectaculares en los que sumergirse y saborear cada detalle: su cultura milenaria, su intensa gastronomía, sus rincones paradisíacos, la historia de sus ciudades y pueblos coloniales, la magia de su música y la alegría y humildad de sus gentes. Colombia es mucho más que lo que se ve en televisión, es todo eso que queda en segundo plano, es la naturaleza viva de sus selvas, la vitalidad de sus cafetales y campos de caña de azúcar, la artesanía hecha por manos antiquísimas y jóvenes talentos, la vida de sus calles, sus museos, sus teatros… Colombia es su pasado, duro y cierto, pero también es su presente acogedor y su futuro lleno de esperanza.

Hace unos 4-5 años, Colombia quiso, de hecho, romper con ese lastre de su pasado que sigue latente en su presente: la inseguridad, el delito, la violencia… “Colombia, el riesgo es que te quieras quedar” fue uno de los eslóganes de promoción turística más comentados del mundo. Un hito valiente que trataba de hacer ver que la imagen del país inseguro es propia del que no va más allá y por eso la campaña se acompañaba de vídeos que sí mostraban todas esas virtudes que tiene Colombia y que, internacionalmente, suelen quedar solapadas por otras cuestiones poco atractivas.


Aventura, playas inmensas, buen clima, patrimonio y cultura, música, modernidad, comodidad… Son los valores que se enfatizaban y que nutren ahora también a la actual campaña de promoción, centrada en explotar el país como cuna del realismo mágico poniendo de relieve las experiencias únicas que uno puede disfrutar en sus paisajes incomparables. Fruto de ambas campañas, el crecimiento del turismo en Colombia no ha parado ni un instante y, en su estantería de premios, figuran varios galardones como primer destino turístico internacional elegido por viajeros de todo el mundo.

Descubrir el encanto del llamado Eje Cafetero, la belleza de la famosa Ciudad Jardín de Colombia (Fusagasugá), la siempre eterna Cartagena, San Agustín, el Caribe colombiano, la lista de lugares para visitar en el país es inagotable, como inagotables son la hospitalidad de su gente y la magia de su naturaleza.

Si te ronda desde hace tiempo la idea de hacer un viaje a Colombia, no esperes más: el país empieza a ponerse más de moda que nunca y los precios de vacaciones suben como la espuma. Aprovecha los descuentos de vuelo y alojamiento u opta por diseñar tu propia escapada con tiempo suficiente para disfrutar de las rebajas en las tarifas que brinda el Early Booking en los hoteles en Bogotá. Medellín y el Caribe colombiano. Algunos de los hoteles más lujosos de Bogotá, los hoteles históricos de Ibagué y los grandes resorts de Bucaramanga o Popayán son una oportunidad de oro para conocer esta tierra mágica, disfrutar cómodamente de sus encantos con una atención privilegiada y con seguridad y garantías.

Luxury trip to Popayan

Popayan is one of the most desirable tourist destinations in Colombia, not only for its lively and traditional atmosphere, but because in this area, there are real luxury accommodations in which to enjoy a holiday of relaxation, nature and sport like never before.

Popayan, located in the region of Cauca, has Pubenza Valley as its capital and is one of the largest cities in the area. Historic and modern, it combines everything you need for a destination to be the perfect place to rest and enjoy the Colombian culture.

World famous for its great historical heritage, Popayan gives us incredible scenarios in which to marvel at the art and the buildings of the past: the Church of Carmen or the Church of Santo Domingo, Bethlehem Chapel or the Casa Museo Negret, dedicated to renowned artist and adjacent to the Museum of Modern Art of Cauca.

One of its symbols is a bridge embedded in a large cliff known as the “Humilladero” bridge and located in the fascinating neighbourhood between Bolivar and the centre of Popayan. Rebuilt several times because of land movements and earthquakes, it still stands and it is an emblem for civil construction in the country.

To fulfil a luxury holiday in Popayan and enjoy the tranquillity of a trip to Colombia, choosing a good hotel in Popayan is essential. For the more adventurous and dynamic, the best option is usually to choose a hotel in the city centre, where you can move freely from monument to monument. But if, in addition to the city, one seeking the tranquillity and beauty of its natural landscapes, a hotel outside the White City of Colombia is the best option.

One of the most popular accommodations in the region is the Dann Monasterio Popayan, a historic hotel in Colombia, which was built on an ancient Franciscan monastery dating back to 1570. The building, set in a stunning natural area preserves the colonial character of the time but, inside, it offers luxury services and facilities, designed for the most discerning traveller.

Booking one of their rooms in Popayan is one of the most interesting experiences, as this hotel is perfect for relaxing and at the same time, it enables you to move around the environment, discovering new natural sites and enjoy the short distance to the centre of the city, where you will find their culture, art and the typical life of its people.

Known as an events hotel in Popayan it also offers a 5-star restaurant, swimming pools, gardens, sauna and wellness area… Everything you need for a leisure holiday in a unique country.

Colombia, a business tourism destination in full expansion

Dann Bogota Norte hotel rooms

is experiencing since some years ago an important growth which has positioned it as the third strongest economy in Latin America and one of the most economically stable countries in this continent. The increase of investments has turned Colombia into an attractive country to do business.

This fact has resulted in a boost to a series of hotels which have specialized in this business sector, with specific services offered by hotels in order to meet the needs and attract customers.

This economic tendency has also led to the growth of important business areas in the country, specially in Bogotá, which has become the business metropolis in Colombia.

Hotel dann bogota norte hotel rooms

Hotel dann bogota norte hotel rooms

There we find different locations with many office buildings surrounded by important business areas. And, obviously, the services trade has taken the opportunity to open business hotels in Bogotá located in these geographical areas.

These hotels are usually equipped with a series of specialised services for events celebrations, as well as for meeting the specific needs of those who travel for business, offering the possibility of enjoying a gym at the hotel, spa or wifi.

In Bogotá, the centre is clearly one of the most important areas of the city, there are located the headquarters of the main Colombian companies targeted at different sectors of the industry. However, other business areas have established in other points of these huge city. Now we find for example important business hotels in the north of Bogotá.

But Bogotá is not the only city, there is also a growing offer of business hotels in Ibagué and other relevant geographical points of the country such as Medellin or Cartagena.